Game server time:
you just know what they will do next. so you could walk out on the track and guide your way thru. |
UniProX |
on 4/6/2009 7:48:22 PM
now I got that by preforseen you don't mean pre-decieded. but then they could be mis perforseen.... |
LmSne |
on 4/7/2009 1:48:38 PM
How? xD |
UniProX |
on 4/7/2009 6:22:10 PM
since it is preforeseen and your actions does matter, you could preforseen the future and plan your |
LmSne |
on 4/8/2009 12:21:11 AM
actions accordingly. and because your actions does matter the preforeseen would defently change and |
LmSne |
on 4/8/2009 12:21:57 AM
Shouts 491 - 495 of 1977 | | |