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29/03/2007 - Some music :3

I've added a simple MP3 player on the home page. You can also upload your own MP3s there.

The player is very simple and easy to use: select a song in the songs select box, the page will reload and the selected song will be loaded. To automatically play the song when the page loads up, check the "Autoplay" check box. If cookies are enabled in your browser, your preferences will be automatically saved, so next time you visit the home page, same song will be automatically selected. A small download progress bar will be displayed while the MP3 file is streaming.

Use the play/pause and stop buttons to play/pause and stop the current song; click and drag on the song progress bar to move the cue point forth and back.

You can use the volume slider to adjust the volume, while the repeat button allows to repeat the selected song continuously. Neither the volume nor the repeat button settings, however, will persist between page loads.

If you want to completely turn off the player, just select the first item in the song select box.

Last but not least, if you click on the "Upload tunes" button, a window will pop up, where you can see the complete list of the songs currently on the site. There you can also upload your own songs and share them with the other site visitors. To do that you have to be logged onto the site, and also cookies must be enabled in your browser. Be sure to not upload any copyrighted material, and keep in mind that the maximum accepted file size is 5 Megabytes.

Note: the MP3 player is on the home page only, so if you want to listen to songs while browsing the site, just open another browser window.

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